PetaVision  Alpha
PV::FilenameParsingGroundTruthLayer Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for PV::FilenameParsingGroundTruthLayer:
PV::HyPerLayer PV::BaseLayer PV::BaseObject PV::CheckpointerDataInterface PV::Observer

FilenameParsingGroundTruthLayer Paramters

List of protected paramters needed from FilenameParsingGroundTruthLayer

virtual void ioParam_classList (enum ParamsIOFlag ioFlag)
 clasList: path to the .txt file that holds the list of imageListPath features that will parse to different classifications More...
virtual void ioParam_inputLayerName (enum ParamsIOFlag ioFlag)
 movieLayerName: lists name of the movie layer from which the imageListPath is used to parse the classification
virtual void ioParam_gtClassTrueValue (enum ParamsIOFlag ioFlag)
 gtClassTrueValue: defines value to be set for the neuron that matches classes.txt classifer More...
virtual void ioParam_gtClassFalseValue (enum ParamsIOFlag ioFlag)
 gtClassFalseValue: defines value to be set for the neurons that do not match the classes.txt classifer More...

HyPerLayer Parameters

List of parameters needed from the HyPerLayer class

virtual void ioParam_dataType (enum ParamsIOFlag ioFlag)
virtual void ioParam_updateGpu (enum ParamsIOFlag ioFlag)
 updateGpu: When compiled using CUDA or OpenCL GPU acceleration, this flag tells whether this layer's updateState method should use the GPU. If PetaVision was compiled without GPU acceleration, it is an error to set this flag to true.
virtual void ioParam_nxScale (enum ParamsIOFlag ioFlag)
 nxScale: Defines the relationship between the x column size and the layer size. More...
virtual void ioParam_nyScale (enum ParamsIOFlag ioFlag)
 nyScale: Defines the relationship between the y column size and the layer size. More...
virtual void ioParam_nf (enum ParamsIOFlag ioFlag)
 nf: Defines how many features this layer has
virtual void ioParam_phase (enum ParamsIOFlag ioFlag)
 phase: Defines the ordering in which each layer is updated
virtual void ioParam_mirrorBCflag (enum ParamsIOFlag ioFlag)
 mirrorBCflag: If set to true, the margin will mirror the data
virtual void ioParam_valueBC (enum ParamsIOFlag ioFlag)
 valueBC: If mirrorBC is set to true, Uses the specified value for the margin area
virtual void ioParam_initializeFromCheckpointFlag (enum ParamsIOFlag ioFlag)
 initializeFromCheckpointFlag: If set to true, initialize using checkpoint direcgtory set in HyPerCol. More...
virtual void ioParam_InitVType (enum ParamsIOFlag ioFlag)
 initVType: Specifies how to initialize the V buffer. More...
virtual void ioParam_triggerFlag (enum ParamsIOFlag ioFlag)
 triggerFlag: (Deprecated) Specifies if this layer is being triggered More...
virtual void ioParam_triggerLayerName (enum ParamsIOFlag ioFlag)
 triggerLayerName: Specifies the name of the layer that this layer triggers off of. If set to NULL or the empty string, the layer does not trigger but updates its state on every timestep.
virtual void ioParam_triggerOffset (enum ParamsIOFlag ioFlag)
 triggerOffset: If triggerLayer is set, triggers <triggerOffset> timesteps before target trigger More...
virtual void ioParam_triggerBehavior (enum ParamsIOFlag ioFlag)
 triggerBehavior: If triggerLayerName is set, this parameter specifies how the trigger is handled. More...
virtual void ioParam_triggerResetLayerName (enum ParamsIOFlag ioFlag)
 triggerResetLayerName: If triggerLayerName is set, this parameter specifies the layer to use for updating the state when the trigger happens. If set to NULL or the empty string, use triggerLayerName.
virtual void ioParam_writeStep (enum ParamsIOFlag ioFlag)
 writeStep: Specifies how often to output a pvp file for this layer More...
virtual void ioParam_initialWriteTime (enum ParamsIOFlag ioFlag)
 initialWriteTime: Specifies the first timestep to start outputing pvp files
virtual void ioParam_sparseLayer (enum ParamsIOFlag ioFlag)
 sparseLayer: Specifies if the layer should be considered sparese for optimization and output
virtual void ioParam_writeSparseValues (enum ParamsIOFlag ioFlag)
 writeSparseValues: No longer used.

Public Member Functions

 FilenameParsingGroundTruthLayer (const char *name, HyPerCol *hc)
virtual bool activityIsSpiking ()
virtual double addGpuTimers ()
void addRecvConn (BaseConnection *conn)
Response::Status callUpdateState (double simTime, double dt)
void clearProgressFlags ()
virtual Response::Status communicateInitInfo (std::shared_ptr< CommunicateInitInfoMessage const > message) override
void copyAllActivityFromDevice ()
void copyAllGSynFromDevice ()
void copyAllGSynToDevice ()
void copyAllVFromDevice ()
float * getActivity ()
float * getChannel (ChannelType ch)
virtual float getChannelTimeConst (enum ChannelType channel_type)
PVLayergetCLayer ()
bool getDataStructuresAllocatedFlag () const
PVDataType getDataType ()
virtual double getDeltaTriggerTime ()
virtual double getDeltaUpdateTime ()
std::string const & getDescription () const
char const * getDescription_c () const
PVCuda::CudaBuffer * getDeviceActiveIndices ()
PVCuda::CudaBuffer * getDeviceActivity ()
PVCuda::CudaBuffer * getDeviceDatastore ()
PVCuda::CudaBuffer * getDeviceGSyn ()
PVCuda::CudaBuffer * getDeviceNumActive ()
PVCuda::CudaBuffer * getDeviceV ()
bool getInitialValuesSetFlag () const
bool getInitInfoCommunicatedFlag () const
double getLastUpdateTime ()
const float * getLayerData (int delay=0)
PVLayerLoc const * getLayerLoc () const
MPIBlock const * getMPIBlock ()
char const * getName () const
double getNextUpdateTime ()
int getNumChannels ()
int getNumDelayLevels ()
int getNumExtended ()
int getNumExtendedAllBatches ()
int getNumGlobalExtended ()
int getNumGlobalNeurons ()
int getNumNeurons ()
int getNumNeuronsAllBatches ()
int getNumProbes ()
std::string const & getObjectType () const
int getPhase ()
LayerProbegetProbe (int n)
PublishergetPublisher ()
bool getSparseFlag ()
virtual double getTimeScale (int batchIdx)
bool getUpdatedDeviceActivityFlag ()
bool getUpdatedDeviceDatastoreFlag ()
bool getUpdatedDeviceGSynFlag ()
float * getV ()
float getValueBC ()
int getXScale ()
int getYScale ()
int increaseDelayLevels (int neededDelay)
virtual int insertProbe (LayerProbe *probe)
void ioParams (enum ParamsIOFlag ioFlag, bool printHeader, bool printFooter)
int ioParamsFillGroup (enum ParamsIOFlag ioFlag) override
bool isExchangeFinished (int delay=0)
bool isExtended ()
bool isUsingGPU () const
char const * lookupKeyword () const
int mirrorInteriorToBorder (PVLayerCube *cube, PVLayerCube *borderCube)
virtual int mirrorToEast (PVLayerCube *dest, PVLayerCube *src)
virtual int mirrorToNorth (PVLayerCube *dest, PVLayerCube *src)
virtual int mirrorToNorthEast (PVLayerCube *dest, PVLayerCube *src)
virtual int mirrorToNorthWest (PVLayerCube *dest, PVLayerCube *src)
virtual int mirrorToSouth (PVLayerCube *dest, PVLayerCube *src)
virtual int mirrorToSouthEast (PVLayerCube *dest, PVLayerCube *src)
virtual int mirrorToSouthWest (PVLayerCube *dest, PVLayerCube *src)
virtual int mirrorToWest (PVLayerCube *dest, PVLayerCube *src)
virtual bool needUpdate (double time, double dt) override
Response::Status outputProbeParams ()
virtual Response::Status outputState (double timef)
virtual int publish (Communicator *comm, double simTime)
void readParams ()
virtual int recvAllSynapticInput ()
virtual int requireChannel (int channelNeeded, int *numChannelsResult)
virtual int requireMarginWidth (int marginWidthNeeded, int *marginWidthResult, char axis)
int resetBuffer (float *buf, int numItems)
virtual int resetGSynBuffers (double timef, double dt)
virtual Response::Status respond (std::shared_ptr< BaseMessage const > message) override
Response::Status respondLayerAdvanceDataStore (std::shared_ptr< LayerAdvanceDataStoreMessage const > message)
Response::Status respondLayerCheckNotANumber (std::shared_ptr< LayerCheckNotANumberMessage const > message)
Response::Status respondLayerClearProgressFlags (std::shared_ptr< LayerClearProgressFlagsMessage const > message)
Response::Status respondLayerCopyFromGpu (std::shared_ptr< LayerCopyFromGpuMessage const > message)
Response::Status respondLayerOutputState (std::shared_ptr< LayerOutputStateMessage const > message)
Response::Status respondLayerProbeWriteParams (std::shared_ptr< LayerProbeWriteParamsMessage const > message)
Response::Status respondLayerPublish (std::shared_ptr< LayerPublishMessage const > message)
Response::Status respondLayerRecvSynapticInput (std::shared_ptr< LayerRecvSynapticInputMessage const > message)
Response::Status respondLayerSetMaxPhase (std::shared_ptr< LayerSetMaxPhaseMessage const > message)
Response::Status respondLayerUpdateState (std::shared_ptr< LayerUpdateStateMessage const > message)
Response::Status respondLayerWriteParams (std::shared_ptr< LayerWriteParamsMessage const > message)
void setAllocDeviceActiveIndices ()
void setAllocDeviceActivity ()
void setAllocDeviceDatastore ()
void setAllocDeviceGSyn ()
void setAllocDeviceV ()
void setUpdatedDeviceActivityFlag (bool in)
void setUpdatedDeviceDatastoreFlag (bool in)
void setUpdatedDeviceGSynFlag (bool in)
virtual void syncGpu ()
void synchronizeMarginWidth (HyPerLayer *layer)
void updateActiveIndices ()
virtual void updateAllActiveIndices ()
virtual Response::Status updateState (double timef, double dt) override
bool useMirrorBCs ()
virtual int waitOnPublish (Communicator *comm)
virtual int writeActivity (double timed)
virtual int writeActivitySparse (double timed)
void writeParams ()

Static Public Member Functions

static bool localDimensionsEqual (PVLayerLoc const *loc1, PVLayerLoc const *loc2)

Data Fields


Protected Member Functions

void addPublisher ()
virtual void allocateActivity ()
template<typename T >
void allocateBuffer (T **buf, int bufsize, const char *bufname)
virtual void allocateBuffers ()
virtual int allocateClayerBuffers ()
virtual Response::Status allocateDataStructures () override
virtual int allocateDeviceBuffers ()
void allocateExtendedBuffer (float **buf, const char *bufname)
virtual void allocateGSyn ()
virtual void allocatePrevActivity ()
void allocateRestrictedBuffer (float **buf, const char *bufname)
virtual int allocateUpdateKernel ()
virtual void allocateV ()
void calcNumExtended ()
void checkpointPvpActivityFloat (Checkpointer *checkpointer, char const *bufferName, float *pvpBuffer, bool extended)
void checkpointRandState (Checkpointer *checkpointer, char const *bufferName, Random *randState, bool extendedFlag)
virtual Response::Status cleanup ()
virtual Response::Status copyInitialStateToGPU () override
template<typename T >
int freeBuffer (T **buf)
void freeChannels ()
int freeClayer ()
int freeExtendedBuffer (float **buf)
int freeRestrictedBuffer (float **buf)
virtual int initClayer ()
int initialize (const char *name, HyPerCol *hc)
virtual void initializeActivity ()
virtual Response::Status initializeState () override
virtual void initializeV ()
bool isAllInputReady ()
virtual bool needReset (double timed, double dt)
int openOutputStateFile (Checkpointer *checkpointer)
virtual Response::Status prepareCheckpointWrite ()
virtual Response::Status processCheckpointRead () override
virtual void readActivityFromCheckpoint (Checkpointer *checkpointer)
virtual void readDelaysFromCheckpoint (Checkpointer *checkpointer)
virtual Response::Status readStateFromCheckpoint (Checkpointer *checkpointer) override
virtual void readVFromCheckpoint (Checkpointer *checkpointer)
virtual Response::Status registerData (Checkpointer *checkpointer) override
virtual void resetStateOnTrigger ()
Response::Status respondAllocateData (std::shared_ptr< AllocateDataMessage const > message)
Response::Status respondCleanup (std::shared_ptr< CleanupMessage const > message)
Response::Status respondCommunicateInitInfo (std::shared_ptr< CommunicateInitInfoMessage const > message)
Response::Status respondCopyInitialStateToGPU (std::shared_ptr< CopyInitialStateToGPUMessage const > message)
Response::Status respondInitializeState (std::shared_ptr< InitializeStateMessage const > message)
Response::Status respondPrepareCheckpointWrite (std::shared_ptr< PrepareCheckpointWriteMessage const > message)
Response::Status respondProcessCheckpointRead (std::shared_ptr< ProcessCheckpointReadMessage const > message)
Response::Status respondReadStateFromCheckpoint (std::shared_ptr< ReadStateFromCheckpointMessage< Checkpointer > const > message)
Response::Status respondRegisterData (std::shared_ptr< RegisterDataMessage< Checkpointer > const > message)
Response::Status respondSetCudaDevice (std::shared_ptr< SetCudaDeviceMessage const > message)
virtual int runUpdateKernel ()
virtual int setActivity ()
virtual Response::Status setCudaDevice (std::shared_ptr< SetCudaDeviceMessage const > message)
void setDataStructuresAllocatedFlag ()
void setDescription ()
void setInitialValuesSetFlag ()
void setInitInfoCommunicatedFlag ()
int setLayerLoc (PVLayerLoc *layerLoc, float nxScale, float nyScale, int nf, int numBatches)
virtual Response::Status setMaxPhase (int *maxPhase)
int setName (char const *name)
virtual void setObjectType ()
int setParent (HyPerCol *hc)
void updateNBands (int numCalls)
virtual Response::Status updateStateGpu (double timef, double dt)

Static Protected Member Functions

static int equalizeMargins (HyPerLayer *layer1, HyPerLayer *layer2)

Protected Attributes

bool allocDeviceActiveIndices
bool allocDeviceActivity
bool allocDeviceDatastore
bool allocDeviceGSyn
bool allocDeviceV
PVCuda::CudaBuffer * d_ActiveIndices
PVCuda::CudaBuffer * d_Activity
PVCuda::CudaBuffer * d_Datastore
PVCuda::CudaBuffer * d_GSyn
PVCuda::CudaBuffer * d_numActive
PVCuda::CudaBuffer * d_V
PVDataType dataType
char * dataTypeString
std::string description
PVCuda::CudaTimer * gpu_recvsyn_timer
PVCuda::CudaTimer * gpu_update_timer
float ** GSyn
bool initializeFromCheckpointFlag = true
double initialWriteTime
char * initVTypeString = nullptr
PVCuda::CudaKernel * krUpdate
int * marginIndices
PVCuda::CudaDevice * mCudaDevice = nullptr
bool mDataStructuresAllocatedFlag = false
bool mHasReceived = false
bool mHasUpdated = false
bool mInitialValuesSetFlag = false
bool mInitInfoCommunicatedFlag = false
BaseInitVmInitVObject = nullptr
bool mirrorBCflag
double mLastTriggerTime
double mLastUpdateTime
bool mNeedToPublish = true
std::string mObjectType
CheckpointableFileStreammOutputStateStream = nullptr
bool mRecvGpu
bool mUpdateGpu
bool mUsingGPUFlag = false
char * name = nullptr
int numChannels
int numDelayLevels
int numFeatures
int numMargin
int numProbes
int numSynchronizedMarginWidthLayers
float nxScale
float nyScale
HyPerColparent = nullptr
int phase
LayerProbe ** probes
Publisherpublisher = nullptr
std::vector< BaseConnection * > recvConns
unsigned int rngSeedBase
bool sparseLayer
HyPerLayer ** synchronizedMarginWidthLayers
float ** thread_gSyn
char * triggerBehavior
TriggerBehaviorType triggerBehaviorType
bool triggerFlag
char * triggerLayerName
double triggerOffset
char * triggerResetLayerName
bool updatedDeviceActivity
bool updatedDeviceDatastore
bool updatedDeviceGSyn
float valueBC
int writeActivityCalls
int writeActivitySparseCalls
double writeStep
double writeTime
int xmargin
int ymargin

Private Attributes

std::vector< std::string > mClasses
char * mClassListFileName = nullptr
float mGtClassFalseValue = 0.0f
float mGtClassTrueValue = 1.0f
InputLayermInputLayer = nullptr
char * mInputLayerName = nullptr

Detailed Description

Definition at line 16 of file FilenameParsingGroundTruthLayer.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

void PV::HyPerLayer::addRecvConn ( BaseConnection conn)

Adds the given connection to the vector of connections to receive input from. The connection's post-synaptic layer must be the layer for which this member function is called.

Definition at line 1235 of file HyPerLayer.cpp.

int PV::HyPerLayer::allocateDeviceBuffers ( )

Allocate GPU buffers. This must be called after PVLayer data have been allocated.

Definition at line 1090 of file HyPerLayer.cpp.

void PV::HyPerLayer::allocateExtendedBuffer ( float **  buf,
const char *  bufname 

Allocates an extended buffer (that is, buffer's length is getNumExtendedAllBatches()).

Definition at line 329 of file HyPerLayer.cpp.

void PV::HyPerLayer::allocateRestrictedBuffer ( float **  buf,
const char *  bufname 

Allocates a restricted buffer (that is, buffer's length is getNumNeuronsAllBatches()).

Definition at line 325 of file HyPerLayer.cpp.

int PV::HyPerLayer::freeExtendedBuffer ( float **  buf)

Frees a buffer created by allocateRestrictedBuffer(). Note that there is no checking whether the buffer was created by allocateExtendedBuffer(), or any other allocateBuffer()-related method.

Definition at line 256 of file HyPerLayer.cpp.

int PV::HyPerLayer::freeRestrictedBuffer ( float **  buf)

Frees a buffer created by allocateRestrictedBuffer(). Note that there is no checking whether the buffer was created by allocateRestrictedBuffer(), or any other allocateBuffer()-related method.

Definition at line 254 of file HyPerLayer.cpp.

bool PV::BaseObject::getDataStructuresAllocatedFlag ( ) const

Get-method for mDataStructuresAllocatedFlag, which is false on initialization and then becomes true once setDataStructuresAllocatedFlag() is called.

Definition at line 102 of file BaseObject.hpp.

double PV::HyPerLayer::getDeltaTriggerTime ( )

A function to return the interval between triggering times. A negative value means that the layer never triggers (either there is no triggerLayer or the triggerLayer never updates).

Definition at line 1686 of file HyPerLayer.cpp.

double PV::HyPerLayer::getDeltaUpdateTime ( )

A function to return the interval between times when updateState is needed.

Reimplemented in PV::InputLayer, PV::ISTALayer, and PV::HyPerLCALayer.

Definition at line 1677 of file HyPerLayer.cpp.

bool PV::BaseObject::getInitialValuesSetFlag ( ) const

Get-method for mInitialValuesSetFlag, which is false on initialization and then becomes true once setInitialValuesSetFlag() is called.

Definition at line 108 of file BaseObject.hpp.

bool PV::BaseObject::getInitInfoCommunicatedFlag ( ) const

Get-method for mInitInfoCommunicatedFlag, which is false on initialization and then becomes true once setInitInfoCommunicatedFlag() is called.

Definition at line 95 of file BaseObject.hpp.

const float * PV::HyPerLayer::getLayerData ( int  delay = 0)

Returns the activity data for the layer. This data is in the extended space (with margins).

Definition at line 1573 of file HyPerLayer.cpp.

int PV::HyPerLayer::initialize ( const char *  name,
HyPerCol hc 

Classes derived from HyPerLayer should call HyPerLayer::initialize themselves to take advantage of virtual methods. Note that the HyPerLayer constructor does not call initialize. This way, HyPerLayer::initialize can call virtual methods and the derived class's method will be the one that gets called.

Definition at line 129 of file HyPerLayer.cpp.

void PV::FilenameParsingGroundTruthLayer::ioParam_classList ( enum ParamsIOFlag  ioFlag)

clasList: path to the .txt file that holds the list of imageListPath features that will parse to different classifications

If this is not specified, the layer will attempt to use "classes.txt" in the output directory. The identifying strings must be separated by a new line, and mutually exclusive. In the case of CIFAR images, the pictures are organized in folders /0/ /1/ /2/ ... etc, therefore those are the classifers When an image is passed to the movie layer, the classification is parsed and a corresponding neuron is activated to a value set by gtClassTrueValue and the remaining neurons are set to the value set by gtClassFalseValue

Definition at line 51 of file FilenameParsingGroundTruthLayer.cpp.

void PV::FilenameParsingGroundTruthLayer::ioParam_gtClassFalseValue ( enum ParamsIOFlag  ioFlag)

gtClassFalseValue: defines value to be set for the neurons that do not match the classes.txt classifer

Default: -1

Definition at line 42 of file FilenameParsingGroundTruthLayer.cpp.

void PV::FilenameParsingGroundTruthLayer::ioParam_gtClassTrueValue ( enum ParamsIOFlag  ioFlag)

gtClassTrueValue: defines value to be set for the neuron that matches classes.txt classifer

Default: 1

Definition at line 37 of file FilenameParsingGroundTruthLayer.cpp.

void PV::HyPerLayer::ioParam_initializeFromCheckpointFlag ( enum ParamsIOFlag  ioFlag)

initializeFromCheckpointFlag: If set to true, initialize using checkpoint direcgtory set in HyPerCol.

Checkpoint read directory must be set in HyPerCol to initialize from checkpoint.

Definition at line 671 of file HyPerLayer.cpp.

void PV::HyPerLayer::ioParam_InitVType ( enum ParamsIOFlag  ioFlag)

initVType: Specifies how to initialize the V buffer.

Possible choices include

Further parameters are needed depending on initialization type.

Reimplemented in PV::InputLayer, PV::Retina, PV::InputRegionLayer, and PV::CloneVLayer.

Definition at line 681 of file HyPerLayer.cpp.

void PV::HyPerLayer::ioParam_nxScale ( enum ParamsIOFlag  ioFlag)

nxScale: Defines the relationship between the x column size and the layer size.

Must be 2^n or 1/2^n

Definition at line 639 of file HyPerLayer.cpp.

void PV::HyPerLayer::ioParam_nyScale ( enum ParamsIOFlag  ioFlag)

nyScale: Defines the relationship between the y column size and the layer size.

Must be 2^n or 1/2^n

Definition at line 643 of file HyPerLayer.cpp.

void PV::HyPerLayer::ioParam_triggerBehavior ( enum ParamsIOFlag  ioFlag)

triggerBehavior: If triggerLayerName is set, this parameter specifies how the trigger is handled.

The possible values of triggerBehavior are:

  • "updateOnlyOnTrigger": updateState is called (computing activity buffer from GSyn) only on triggering timesteps. On other timesteps the layer's state remains unchanged.
  • "resetStateOnTrigger": On timesteps where the trigger occurs, the membrane potential is copied from the layer specified in triggerResetLayerName and setActivity is called. On nontriggering timesteps, updateState is called. For backward compatibility, this parameter defaults to updateOnlyOnTrigger.

Definition at line 774 of file HyPerLayer.cpp.

void PV::HyPerLayer::ioParam_triggerFlag ( enum ParamsIOFlag  ioFlag)

triggerFlag: (Deprecated) Specifies if this layer is being triggered

Defaults to false. This flag is deprecated. To turn triggering off, set triggerLayer to NULL or the empty string. It is an error to set this flag to false and triggerLayer to a nonempty string.

Definition at line 724 of file HyPerLayer.cpp.

void PV::HyPerLayer::ioParam_triggerOffset ( enum ParamsIOFlag  ioFlag)

triggerOffset: If triggerLayer is set, triggers <triggerOffset> timesteps before target trigger

Defaults to 0

Definition at line 761 of file HyPerLayer.cpp.

void PV::HyPerLayer::ioParam_writeStep ( enum ParamsIOFlag  ioFlag)

writeStep: Specifies how often to output a pvp file for this layer

Defaults to every timestep. -1 specifies not to write at all.

Definition at line 825 of file HyPerLayer.cpp.

void PV::BaseObject::ioParams ( enum ParamsIOFlag  ioFlag,
bool  printHeader,
bool  printFooter 

Method for reading or writing the params from group in the parent HyPerCol's parameters. The group from params is selected using the name of the connection.

If ioFlag is set to write, the printHeader and printFooter flags control whether a header and footer for the parameter group is produces. These flags are set to true for layers, connections, and probes; and set to false for weight initializers and normalizers. If ioFlag is set to read, the printHeader and printFooter flags are ignored.

Note that ioParams is not virtual. To add parameters in a derived class, override ioParamFillGroup.

Definition at line 74 of file BaseObject.cpp.

int PV::FilenameParsingGroundTruthLayer::ioParamsFillGroup ( enum ParamsIOFlag  ioFlag)

The function that calls all ioParam functions

Reimplemented from PV::HyPerLayer.

Definition at line 28 of file FilenameParsingGroundTruthLayer.cpp.

bool PV::HyPerLayer::isAllInputReady ( )

Returns true if each layer that delivers input to this layer has finished its MPI exchange for its delay; false if any of them has not.

Definition at line 1923 of file HyPerLayer.cpp.

bool PV::HyPerLayer::isExchangeFinished ( int  delay = 0)

Returns true if the MPI exchange for the specified delay has finished; false if it is still in process.

Definition at line 1921 of file HyPerLayer.cpp.

bool PV::BaseObject::isUsingGPU ( ) const

Returns true if the object requires the GPU; false otherwise. HyPerCol will not initialize the GPU unless one of the objects in its hierarchy returns true

Definition at line 116 of file BaseObject.hpp.

char const * PV::BaseObject::lookupKeyword ( ) const

Look up the keyword of the params group with the same name as the object.

Definition at line 42 of file BaseObject.cpp.

bool PV::HyPerLayer::needReset ( double  timed,
double  dt 

Returns true if the trigger behavior is resetStateOnTrigger and the layer was triggered.

Definition at line 1718 of file HyPerLayer.cpp.

bool PV::FilenameParsingGroundTruthLayer::needUpdate ( double  simTime,
double  dt 

A virtual function to determine if callUpdateState method needs to be called Default behavior is dependent on the triggering method. If there is no triggering, always returns true. If there is triggering and the trigger behavior is updateOnlyOnTrigger, returns true only when there is a triggering event. If there is triggering and the trigger behavior is resetStateOnTrigger, returns true only when there is not a trigger event.

timeThe current timestep of the run
dtThe current non-adaptive dt of the run
Returns if the update needs to happen

Reimplemented from PV::HyPerLayer.

Definition at line 121 of file FilenameParsingGroundTruthLayer.cpp.

void PV::BaseObject::readParams ( )

A method that reads the parameters for the group whose name matches the name of the object. It, along with writeParams(), is a wrapper around ioParams, so that readParams and writeParams automatically run through the same parameters in the same order.

Definition at line 62 of file BaseObject.hpp.

void PV::HyPerLayer::resetStateOnTrigger ( )

Called instead of updateState when triggerBehavior is "resetStateOnTrigger" and a triggering event occurs. Copies the membrane potential V from triggerResetLayer and then calls setActivity to update A.

Definition at line 1769 of file HyPerLayer.cpp.

void PV::BaseObject::setDataStructuresAllocatedFlag ( )

This method sets mDataStructuresAllocatedFlag to true.

Definition at line 175 of file BaseObject.hpp.

void PV::BaseObject::setInitialValuesSetFlag ( )

This method sets the flag returned by getInitialValuesSetFlag to true.

Definition at line 180 of file BaseObject.hpp.

void PV::BaseObject::setInitInfoCommunicatedFlag ( )

This method sets mInitInfoCommunicatedFlag to true.

Definition at line 170 of file BaseObject.hpp.

void PV::BaseObject::writeParams ( )

A method that writes the parameters for the group whose name matches the name of the object. It, along with readParams(), is a wrapper around ioParams, so that readParams and writeParams automatically run through the same parameters in the same order.

Definition at line 69 of file BaseObject.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: